The Florida Estate Planning and Probate Law Blog is focused on recent federal and state case law and planning ideas.


♠ Posted by Marc J. Soss
2023 saw one of the biggest retirement relocations in three (3) years About 37% were under 65, including 23% who were under 55. In comparison, 26% of 2022 retirees were under 65. Florida led the nation and attracted 11% of retirees in 2023. South Carolina was a close second with 10% of retirement moves. The Miami-Fort Lauderdale and North Port-Sarasota Bradenton metro areas were the top destinations in Florida, while those moving to South Carolina flocked to Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach.The other top destinations last year for retirees were Texas with 5.8%, Washington with 5.3%, Tennessee with 3.8% Wisconsin at 3.6%, Oregon with 3.2%, and North Carolina with 3%. In contrast, retirees fled California at the rate of 18.3%, followed by New York with 11.4%. Virginia with 6.5%, Ohio with 4.9% and Pennsylvania with 4,8%.


♠ Posted by Marc J. Soss
As of January 1, 2024, the income criteria, maximum amount of assets, and maximum equity in your homestead property has been adjusted: Applicant income limits: Increased to $2,829/month if single and $2742 if you are married. For an individual who is not married, the Applicant can only have $2000 in countable assets. For an Applicant who is married, their Spouse can have additional Asset of $148,620. An Applicant for Florida Medicaid can have up to $713,000 in homestead equity.